Notes from Accenture speaker, Dave Eisenmenger, on technology industry:
- Do you personally have a specific team you work with, or does it vary project to project? Amass skills needed for each project, new group ==> new skills to learn
- How do you feel about internet privacy? Completely private
- Did you create/help write the algorithms/programs to consolidate the data? no
- How much of the work you do is directly related to creating software? manage a team who creates the algorithm, he works with clients on developing infrastructure and marketing
- How much of the software you work with it brand new versus improving old software? 80% is improving old software, old infrastructure
- Where are you based? Very virtual set-up, globalized workforce
- What are new employees expected to do? Bottom part of V
Top part: How do we solve this problem? Does our solution work?
Bottom part: Details, coding, testing code piece by piece